2012年12月24日 星期一

MIPAF2012 作品

1. 陳進 Chen Jin (北京 Beijing)      到底多長時間 How long will it take

2.周斌 Zhou Bin (成都 Chengdu)   自然之力 The Power of Nature

2012年12月14日 星期五

MIPAF 2012 澳門國際現場行為藝術節 Macau International Performance Art Festival

MIPAF 2012 澳門國際現場行為藝術節
Macau International Performance Art Festival

源起於20世紀初達達主義的『行為藝術』,直到60年代德國藝術家約瑟夫·博伊斯(Joseph Beuys)等人的作品,才開始作為前衛及觀念藝術(conceptual art)的一種而為人所談論及流傳。『行為藝術』發展到今天,已經出現許多不同的藝術形式,二十多年前隨著改革開放的社會形態,一批中國藝術家的前衛大膽的作品,喚起了國人以至國際間的大量注視。
一年一度的牛房倉庫【MIPAF現場行為藝術】,每次以主題策劃的方式,邀來國際及華人藝術家來澳進行交流。這次邀請了七位中國策展人兼藝術家來澳,用身體實踐現場行為藝術。藝術家們以多種表達方式,對所處的生存環境進行觀察和批判向觀眾呈現個人獨有的藝術語言。期間還將舉辦【行為藝術 - 澳門霧山會議】,有兩岸四地九位策展人參與。

 Chinese Performance Art Special Recital
Location: Macau Ox Warehouse 2nd Floor
Time: 2012/12/15   3:00-5:00 pm
Artists: Zhou Bin (Chengdu)Xiang Xishi (Xian)Wang Chuyu (Beijing)Man Yu (Beijing)Chen Jin (Beijing)Hu Yifei (Beijing)Chen Shisen (HK)
Curator: Noah Ng (Macau)

【中國行為藝術 - 澳門霧山會議】
時間:20121216日,中午12:00  晚上12:00
Chinese Performance Art-Macau Misty Hills Conference
Location: Coloane hills
Time: 2012/12/16      12:00 am - 12:00pm
Artist/Curator:  Wang Chuyu (Beijing)Man Yu (Beijing)Chen Jin (Beijing)Zhou Bin (Chengdu)Xiang Xishi (Xian)Chen Shisen (HK)Wang Molin (Taipei)Tong  Puiyin (HK)Noah Ng (Macau)

2011年11月30日 星期三

MIPAF 2012 強流: 由新加坡到澳門 作品

李文 Lee Wen  一個我父親從來無同我講過的故事:一腳踏兩船
"Stories my father never told me: one man two boats" 

My father passed away when i was 4 years old. I only knew him from the family album. My wife and son are Japanese and live in Japan, while recently I have been very bust with work in Singapore. I am reminded of some of the memories I have of childhood. One of my mother's friends gave this saying: one person cannot ride on two boats. If you have one foot on boat and the other foot on another boat, what happens when the two boats go separate ways, you will fall in the water between the two boats."

李文自1989年開始探索即興藝術(時基藝術)與行為藝術的不同技巧。社會調查和內在心理傾向強烈地啟發了其創作,他常利用藝術來拷問文化及社會上的陳腐觀念。他是新加坡藝術村(專注另類藝術的組織)的重要成員,也曾參與國際行為藝術組織“黑市國際(Black Market International的集體演出. 他還協辦過國際行為藝術盛事Future of Imagination(2003) 以及R.I.T.E.S.- Rooted In The Ephemeral Speak2009年)。後者是新加坡一個支持和發展行為藝術實踐、論述、場地設施和觀眾參與的平臺。他從沒去過海地。
Lee Wen has been exploring different strategies of time-based and performance art since 1989. His work has been strongly motivated by social investigations as well as inner psychological directions using art to interrogate stereotypical perceptions of culture and society. He is a contributing factor in The Artists Village alternative in Singapore and had been participating in Black Market international performance collective. He is co-organizer of Future of Imagination (2003), an international performance art event and R.I.T.E.S.- Rooted In The Ephemeral Speak” (2009), a platform to support and develop performance art practices, discourse, infrastructure and audiences in Singapore. He has never been to Haiti.

李嘉昇 Jason Lee 今昔大對調
An Exchange Visit to the Past and Present

“An Exchange Visit to the Past and Present act” as a respond to the rapid urbanization in Singapore. Throughout the years, there have been lots of iconic buildings either demolished or gentrified which often result in the lost of history. In exchanged, there is a rise of generic ugly buildings which are often functioned as hotels, shopping malls, or condominium. Land has been reclaimed for casino and resort. This is a paradoxical situation consider the fact that Singapore is a very tiny country. This performance will look into the relationship between the lost buildings and myself, through the concept of exchanging and replacement.

Jason Lee graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 2006 with Diploma in Visual Communication, specializing in photography design. In 2010, he obtained a BA (Hons) in Fine Arts from the University of Huddersfield, UK. His current works deals with wide issues that revolve around the urban environment and contemporary society that inspires him. His artistic interest lies in the areas of urbanization, abandoned traditions, and sub-cultural lifestyle. Art to him is a platform to explore issues that are being misunderstood or overlooked. He has participated in group exhibitions and collaborations. He received special commendation in the Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2010 (UK) under the portfolio category. He is based in Singapore and is a present member of The Artists Village.

2011年11月23日 星期三

澳門國際現場藝術節 2011 強流:由新加坡到澳門 場刊

澳門國際現場藝術節 2011 強流:由新加坡到澳門 場刊
MIPAF 2011 Currents: from Singapore, in Macau Booklet
展演日期 Date
26/11/2011(本星期六 This Saturday),16:00 - 18:00
藝術家  Artists
李文 Lee Wen
李嘉昇 Jason Lee
里福 Reef
凱絲Grace Jean
瑪拉·班迪尼Marla Bendini
謝燕芳 Angie Seah
羅子涵 Loo Zihan

策展人李文 Lee Wen

Ox Warehouse Forum: Singapore Performance Artists Sharing Meeting

26/11/2011(星期六 Saturday),18:30 - 20:00

 Venue:牛房倉庫Ox warehouse,澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界 No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
主辦 organisation:牛房倉庫 OxWarehouse
贊助 sponsors:澳門特區政府民政總署 IACM, 澳門基金會 Macau Foundation新加坡國家文化局Singapore National Arts Council

地址/Address:澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界 No Cruzamento entro a Avenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
開放時間/Opening Hours12:00 ~19:00 (Closed on Tuesdays) 電話/Tel(853)2853 0026 電郵/E-mailoxwarehouse@gmail.com

2011年11月15日 星期二

澳門國際現場藝術節 2011 強流:由新加坡到澳門 Macau International Performance Art Festival 2011 Currents: from Singapore, in Macau

澳門國際現場藝術節 2011:


Macau International Performance Art Festival 2011:

Currents: from Singapore, in Macau

新加坡重量級策展人李文,把新加坡“現場藝術Live Art”的強流帶到澳門。李文為一多元及國際知名的行為藝術家,多年來發起並組織新加坡本地和國際行為藝術相關的活動。

This coming November, Macau audiences would be aroused by the ineffable possibilities of live performance with an event curated by Lee Wen. “Currents: From Singapore in Macau” showcases a new generation of performance artists from Singapore. Lee Wen is a prolific, versatile, and internationally known performance artist who for many years has initiated and organized local and international performance art-related events.
Despite various inherent questions on social stability and individual freedom, the recent decade has seen both Singaporean citizens and their government working as in a mutual partnership that has led to generative dialectical efforts. Once dubbed a cultural desert, the fast-paced and evolving island-state of Singapore has gained respect and attention, and can now be seen as going through yet another phase of significant changes and another stage of exploration in contemporary art. Seven Singaporean artists have been invited to create live, site-specific performances at the Ox Warehouse; and with these performances, we are privileged to gain a glimpse into what Singaporean artists are experimenting with in contemporary performance art practice.
Breaking away from usual expectations of performance art, the artists employ methodologies of “hybridity” in artistic creation, combined with experimental processes and practices. These Singaporean artists choose to work across the boundaries of traditional art forms and the result of their rethinking is a shift in what conceptual frameworks may now work for art; by presenting their ideas through different artistic media (such as sound, poetry and live music), the artists turn their bodies into the site and material of their art, in combination with the utilization of found objects and multimedia materials. Among the artistic interventions offered, we might discover subjects as such as: the privacy of childhood experiences as adult motivations informing narrations; the use of sound, voice, and body in imagination of forms; the mutual exchanges between people and urban environment; the questions that may result from conflicts between gender and language; and the state of oscillation between time and space.

藝術家  Artists
李文 Lee Wen
李嘉昇 Jason Lee
里福 Reef
凱絲Grace Jean
瑪拉·班迪尼Marla Bendini
謝燕芳 Angie Seah
羅子涵 Loo Zihan

策展人: 李文 Lee Wen

展演日期 Date
26/11/2011(星期六 Saturday),16:00 - 18:00

牛房講場: 新加坡行為藝術家分享會
Ox Warehouse Forum: Singapore Performance Artists Sharing Meeting

26/11/2011(星期六 Saturday),18:30 - 20:00

Venue:牛房倉庫Ox warehouse,澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界 No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
主辦 organisation:牛房倉庫 OxWarehouse
贊助 sponsors:澳門特區政府民政總署 IACM, 澳門基金會 Macau Foundation新加坡國家文化局 Singapore National Arts Council

地址/Address:澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界 No Cruzamento entro a Avenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
開放時間/Opening Hours12:00 ~19:00 (Closed on Tuesdays) 電話/Tel(853)2853 0026 電郵/E-mailoxwarehouse@gmail.com