2007年11月7日 星期三

Field Study

時間/Duration: 20min
藝術家/Artists:Lin Yuan Shang (法國/France); Michael Klien (奧地利/Austria)
是Michael Klien的新作,由台灣旅法名舞蹈家Lin Yuan Shang(法國)演出。‘Field Study’亦是二人的第一次合作。林原上利用身體動作去思索自身的生命和意識形態。即興的創作表演和舞者對自身的觀感帶給觀眾嶄新的角度去欣賞這場演出。
This is a new work choreographed by Michael Klien on artist Lin Yuan Shang of Eolipile Cie, France. ‘Field Study’ represents a first time collaboration between these two artists. In this performance Yuan Shang explores his own life and mental patterns through bodily thinking and movement. Klien and Yuan Shang have created a choreographic language that utilises improvisation and the dancer’s perception of the world creating a mesmerising and intriguing solo performance.

藝術家簡介/Artists' CV
Lin Yuan Shang (法國/France)
出生於台北,台灣。Lin Yuan Shang 11歲時已到京戲班學習武生和雜耍。經過幾年的刻板學習和工作,他轉向學習其他戲劇的可能性 – 當代舞蹈和戲劇。
他來到法國加入了"Festival du Cirque de Demain",因而被Ariane Mnouchkine (陽光劇團)發掘;並與她在1986-88年間合作,而在法國定下來,再與Maguy Marin合作;直到後期發表其個人作品而成立Eolipile Company。
在1996年11月創作的個人演出 “On which voyage are you taking me tonight?” 大獲評論界讚頌;亦向外伸展,。
Born in Taipei - Taiwan, Lin Yuan Shang entered the Peking Opera school at age eleven and specialised in warrior roles and acrobatics. He suffered from the rigid aesthetic he had to respect and, after a few years within Peking Opera companies, he decided to study other theatrical languages - contemporary dance and theatre.
He first arrived in France for the "Festival du Cirque de Demain" - and was noticed by Ariane Mnouchkine (Théâtre du Soleil). He worked with her from 1986 to 1988. In 1994, he settled in France and worked with Maguy Marin before starting personal work and founding Eolipile Company.
His solo On which voyage are you taking me tonight? created in November 1996, was warmly welcomed and opened the gate for an international diffusion.

Michael Klien (奧地利/Austria)
Michael Klien從1991-93年在維也納藝術學院修讀藝術;96年在倫敦拉邦中心完成行為藝術的學位課程。1996年共同創立BOHILtd. 制作公司。1994-2000年擔任Barriedale Operahouse (London) 的藝術總監;由1998年至今為新媒體與行為藝術講課。他的編舞作品和裝置藝術走遍全歐洲。2003年擔任Daghdha Dance Company的藝術總監;在這的前2年亦為Ballett Frankfurt作客席編舞和擔當 William Forsythe的藝術顧問。
Michael Klien studied Fine arts in the Vienna academy of Fine Arts from 1991 to 1993 and in 1996 he completed a BA in Performing Arts in the Laban Centre, London. In 1996 he co-founded BOHILtd. – a Greenwich (London) based Production Company for creative direction and production in the multimedia and live sector and from 1994 to 2000 was Artistic Director of Barriedale Operahouse, a multimedia Arts group based in London. Since 1998 Michael has been lecturing internationally on new media and performing arts. His choreographed works and installations have been performed at venues around Europe. In 2003 he was appointed Artistic Director of Daghdha Dance Company and prior to this appointment he worked for two years as guest-choreographer for Ballett Frankfurt and artistic advisor to William Forsythe.

Daghdha Dance Company
Daghdha Dance Company成立於1988年,是愛爾蘭最早的當代舞團,這次藝術節將呈獻由Michael Klien編舞的“Einem”和 “Field Study”兩組20分鐘的單獨表演。
Established in 1988 Daghdha Dance Company is Ireland’s oldest contemporary dance company. For this Festival Daghdha Dance Company will present ‘Einem…’ and ‘Field Study’, two twenty minute solo performances choreographed by Artistic Director Michael Klien.
