2007年11月7日 星期三

10.認知的帝國時代 Name of Product- Cognizance's Age of Empires

時間/Duration: 20min
藝術家/Artist: 全黛馨 / Quan Dai Xin (澳門 / Macau)
體現世界的大和人類認知的小——我們總以為世界就只有目光所及範圍的大小,然而,不被知曉並不等於不存在。我們需要跳出來,以尊重現實的態度,在世界中冒險,品嘗各味各色。To stress the gap between the greatness of the world and the tininess of the human beings' cognizance— we often limit the world's body in our mind with our limited cognizance whilst doubtlessly, those uncognized also exist. So we should jump out and explore in the world via a truth respecting way to taste different flavors and colors.

藝術家簡介/Artists' CV
全黛馨 Quan Dai Xin (澳門/Macau)
Nancy, studying in the Macau University of Science and Technology, is curious about various categories in this massive world and keen on participating in all sorts of interesting activities. She can't get rid of the shadows. And she attempts to measure the world with her footprints, considering every single day as an adventure.
