2011年3月30日 星期三

MIPAF 2011 國際行為藝術節作品

1.   安貞An Jung (韓國 Korea)  自我和雞蛋 Ego & Egg
多媒體藝術家 Multi Artist

2. 福島佳奈 Kana Fukushima(日本 Japan) 人與地球的平衡 Balance of earth and human
1984年出生於日本埼玉縣熊穀市, 曾參與多個國際行為藝術節.
Kana was born in Kumagaya, Saitama,japan in 1984, she have Participated in many international performance art festival .

3.  丁麗萍Liping Ting(台灣 Taiwan ) 反詰 Ask in retort
跨領域藝術家, 台灣鄉下長大 巴黎生活工作, 活躍於實驗劇場及實驗即興音樂.
Interdisciplinary artist, Born at Taiwan country-side, work /live at Paris from 1989.
She is active for collaboration with experimental improvisation music and experimental theater.

4.  永井可那子Kanako Naggai (日本 Japan)
現任Scoop Brancisco創辦的環球藝術組織的董事會成員(首席前瞻性官)。
2009 BFA in Fine Arts(Fiber Art) from University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Board Member (Chief Visionary Officer) of Global Art Organization organized by Scoop Brancisco.

5. 文在善Moon Jaeseon (韓國 Korea) The PACATO和平
Moon Jaeseon is a performance artist, and the founder and director of the performance arts organization SORO. He majored in Visual Arts, and worked as an actor, a scenographer in various theatre and dance productions.

5. 文鵬 Wen Peng (中國長沙 China Changsha) 白天過後是黑夜 After the day is night
19778月出生于中國湖南寧鄉, 2001年湖南師範大學畢業,中國長沙
現居中國長沙 北京, 現主要從事行為、裝置、影像、油畫等藝術創作
August, 1977. Ningxiang, Hunan Province, China.  Wen Peng graduated from the College of Art of Hunan Normal University in 2001. He currently lives in Changsha, Hunan, where he devotes himself to performance, video and installation art as well as oil painting

6.  Ezzam Rahman (新加坡Singapore)   第三階段 Stage Three
跨界藝術家, 參與、發起並合作策劃了眾多本地和國際性聯展、活動和藝術節
multi-disciplinary artist. participated, initiated and co-curated numerous local and international group exhibitions, events and festivals, his works had been presented in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Australia, London and Denmark

7. 劉緯 Liu Wai(中國成都 China Chengdu)
《緊急通知》Emergency notification, 《最後一道防線》The last defense
1981年出生于中國山西省洪洞縣的一個文武世家. 上學期間接觸到了行為藝術並產生學習和實施的衝動,2005年參與了集體行為藝術《@41》的實施,此後至今一直進行行為藝術的創作
Born in Hongtong of Shanxi Province China,in 1981. He touched performance art and generated the urge to learn and practice it during his study here.2005 to participate in a performance art of collective named @41he is engaged in performance art until now.

8. 陶馬素 Marzo To (香港 Hong Kong)
一九九一年畢業於法國巴黎國立藝術學院,主修油畫、錄像及攝影,以混合媒體創作嶄新題材的作品。在是次展覽中 以cosplay & music fusion主題互相配對的語言,帶給參觀者耳目一新的體驗。
Marzo To graduated from the National School of Fine Arts in Paris, France in 1991, majoring in oil painting, video and photography.
Marzo creates artworks exploring new themes with mixed media. Through this exhibition he attempts to bring visitors a totally new experience by using the language combining cosplay and music fusion.

9. 彭韞 Peng Yun(澳門Macau)  入口時間 Time of Entrance

Born in China in 1982. Multi-media artist, her works have been exhibited in China and overseas since year 2002. From 2007 to 2009, Peng worked in Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, FuDan University, taught the subject of “Digital Media Art and Design”. In year 2007 she obtained a master degree in New Media Art at China Academy of Art, she graduated in the Sichuan fine arts institute, obtained a bachelor degree in Oil Painting. In use of a variety of media, her work concerns the authenticity of individual life and the relation with the world. Currently Peng lives in Macau.

