藝術家/ Artist: Mandy Romero (英國/UK)
藝術家簡介/ Artists' CV
Roger Hill (英國/UK)
在英國利物浦居住與工作的Roger Hill畢業於劍橋大學的英文學士/碩士課程;和里茲大學的英國中高等教育教師資格。
他從事的工作包括學術、研究、顧問、廣播;現專注寫作和現場表演。過去曾擔任Everyman Theatre助理指導(1982-3);利物浦表演藝術學院講師(1996-2003)和參與青年戲劇的工作。他亦為各機構擔任顧問,包括瑞典文化部和英國文化部等。他的文章亦被發表和刊載。
Roger Hill lives and works in Liverpool, England. He completed a BA in English (then MA) at Cantab and a PGCE at Leeds University.
His career has incorporated diverse roles, including: teaching, facilitation, research, consultancy, broadcasting and, currently the most prominent element, writing and live performance. Past roles include: Assistant Director at the Liverpool Everyman Theatre (1982-3); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Community Arts (Drama) at Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (1996-2003); and youth theatre work for organisations including Manchester Contact Theatre and the National Association of Youth Theatres. Roger carried out consultancy work for a wide range of organisations, including The Swedish Culture Ministry, Yorkshire Arts and Scottish Arts Council, as well as advisory work for Council of Europe Programmes. He has published a number of articles and papers.
Roger Hill (英國/UK)
在英國利物浦居住與工作的Roger Hill畢業於劍橋大學的英文學士/碩士課程;和里茲大學的英國中高等教育教師資格。
他從事的工作包括學術、研究、顧問、廣播;現專注寫作和現場表演。過去曾擔任Everyman Theatre助理指導(1982-3);利物浦表演藝術學院講師(1996-2003)和參與青年戲劇的工作。他亦為各機構擔任顧問,包括瑞典文化部和英國文化部等。他的文章亦被發表和刊載。
Roger Hill lives and works in Liverpool, England. He completed a BA in English (then MA) at Cantab and a PGCE at Leeds University.
His career has incorporated diverse roles, including: teaching, facilitation, research, consultancy, broadcasting and, currently the most prominent element, writing and live performance. Past roles include: Assistant Director at the Liverpool Everyman Theatre (1982-3); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Community Arts (Drama) at Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (1996-2003); and youth theatre work for organisations including Manchester Contact Theatre and the National Association of Youth Theatres. Roger carried out consultancy work for a wide range of organisations, including The Swedish Culture Ministry, Yorkshire Arts and Scottish Arts Council, as well as advisory work for Council of Europe Programmes. He has published a number of articles and papers.